Obie For Seniors
97% of seniors using Obie show significant motoric improvement Download The Full Report


Your Quality of Care with Obie

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Award-winning tech solution

with thousands of installations across care homes worldwide

McKnight's Tech FinalistVentures 1st Place WinnerLeadingAge 1st Place WinnerLongevity Business Summit Finalist
Longevity Business Summit FinalistLongevity Business Summit Finalist

Obie for Seniors Impact in Numbers

Based on our report findings, Seniors using Obie show significant improvement in the following categories:
Social behavior

Success Stories

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"This technology can provide a lot of value to the senior population."

Testimonial Person Image

“The games are great for seniors. They are cognitively stimulating, socially engaging, and physically invigorating – a winning combination for all ages!”

Professor Elkhonon Goldberg

A clinical neuropsychologist and cognitive neuroscientist, Clinical Professor in the Department of Neurology, NYU School of Medicine and Diplomate of The American Board of Professional Psychology in Clinical Neuropsychology. His critically acclaimed and bestselling books have been translated into 21 languages.

Improve Your Residents Well Being

Empowers Moving
An excellent way to improve mobility with active games for people in long term care.
Social Interactions
Encourages turn-taking, helps reconnect with family and friends and creates safe social experiences.
Cognitive Activity
Combines cerebral stimulation and entertainment through our interactive games.

The Perfect Solution;

Innovative, Seamless and Safe

We take care of everything for you. One of our skilled technicians will install Obie directly on-site.
Fits Into Any Space
We take care of everything for you. One of our skilled technicians will install Obie directly on-site.
Easy Control
Built using the newest and most innovative technology and equipped with an easy-to-use control keyboard.
Safe and Germ-Free
Obie provides safe, hygienic, and germ-free gaming experiences and activities.
Seniors Playing Obie

One Obie. Four Modes.
Countless Possibilities.

Obie is a highly advanced interactive gaming console that projects custom-made games onto any surfaces - tabletops, floors, and walls - encouraging active play through touching, moving, and hand-eye coordination skills on the displayed images.

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Senior citizens present with special needs, and as their share of the population grows, so does the magnitude of challenge in addressing these needs.

It has been shown that [targeted cognitive exercises] can actually change the underlying neural substrates. This strengthens the rationale for using specially designed games for [cognitive enhancement both in healthy ageing] and in a wide range of clinical disorders.

Therapies for seniors must integrate cognitive, physical, and social stimulation. Obie accomplishes such integration like no other therapeutic tool does.

“Obie Training Through Gaming: Cognitive Enhancement and Digital Technologies” by Professor Elkhonon Goldberg, PhD, ABPP-CN.

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To Learn More About Obie

If you are planning to install an interactive projection system or have any questions, we would love to hear from you!

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing."George Bernard Shaw
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